LGBTQ & Art: talking circle and art project

Below is some information we just received from our friend b. mann at BOLD.  This sounds like a really great project to be a part of!

Brought to you by Out Boulder in collaboration with Boulder High School:

LGBTQ & Allies:

Talking Circle & Art Project for Teens

• Talking circles: express yourself in a safe space. We will be
discussing bullying issues in BVSD and beyond!
• Collaborate and Create a Zine (a DIY magazine): Bring talking circles
into action using art, writing, and creativity! Help create a youthdriven
guide to anti-bullying!
• Project will meet Saturdays, February 16-March 16, 12-4 at the
Out Boulder Pride House, 2132 14th St. Snacks will be provided.

Questions? 720 248 8183
Open to High-school aged students, LGBTQ and Allied.

Be the Change.

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